hCG 30 Day Weight Loss Program


hCG 30 Day Weight Loss Program

Sale Price:$199.00 Original Price:$399.00

Access our 30-day hormone-free hCG Weight Loss Program without leaving your home. Now, for only $199 (was $399), this package includes a 30-day supply of our hormone-free hCG sublingual drops (no prescription needed), a copy of our program binder with an approved food list, portion sizes, daily diet log, and cookbook with recipes. Also, with this purchase, you will receive a link to a 30-40 minute video of Dr Haitz explaining the diet In detail with a Q and A at the end. You will also have email support from Dr Haitz to ensure your success. Lose up to a pound a day safely and easily without hunger. Most people lose up to 20 pounds or more in their first month. Additional sublingual drops are available for ongoing weight loss beyond the first 30 days for a discounted cost.

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hCG Wellness Diet Program

Our hCG Wellness Program is an effective, real foods-based, calorie-restricted diet supplemented with our proprietary hormone-free hCG oral liquid drops for 30 to 45 days of rapid weight loss.

Think of it as a nutritional reset designed to help you restore a healthy metabolism, reduce cravings, balance your blood sugar, heal your digestive tract, boost your energy, and burn off stored fat.

We are committed to helping you transform your body into the body you have always wanted in the healthiest, fastest, and most effective way possible.

How Does the hCG Wellness Diet Work?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that stimulates the hypothalamus, which kicks up the metabolism in a calorie-restricted diet and signals the body to burn away fat stores as fuel. Our program utilizes sublingual drops that are manufactured following the GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes), so there are no hormones or adverse side effects, as seen with other hCG programs. This results in safe and effective weight loss when combined with a very low-calorie diet. The average weight loss for our program varies, but most clients notice a 1/2 to 1 lb loss per day over four weeks. In addition to the loss of unwanted fat, the added benefits of our program include:

  • Restore a healthy metabolism for easily maintained, long-term weight loss.

  • Re-sculpt your body without an exhaustive exercise regimen.

  • Reprogram your body to process food properly and stabilize your blood sugar.

  • Increase your energy and elevate your mood.

  • Reduce cravings and hunger substantially.

  • Look thinner and younger and feel healthier.